Mirza Security! Strategies & Plans For Ethical Hacking! Interview With Benjamin Kunz Mejri!

Mirza Security! Strategies & Plans For Ethical Hacking! Interview With Benjamin Kunz Mejri!
Today i would like to introduce you all Mr. Benjamin Kunz Mejri founder of Vulnerability Lab. He is a Bug Bounty Hunter and a Security Researcher!
2. What thing drives you to this information security field?
An old hack in a eu cpc schneider system when i was a young rookie.
3. As you are a well known Bug Bounty Hunter, PenTester & Researcher, what is the most favorite bug of you yet?
I think it is the "Apple iOS v6.1 , v6.0.1 & v6.1.2 iPhone 5 - 2 x Mobile Pass Code (Auth) Bypass Vulnerability" of 2013. The video has more then 450.000 in our youtube channel, 250.000 hits in partner channels and the advisory has been watched about 233.000 times by public users.
4. You start your own Security Firm, how did you get started?
I was the last years preparing to realize my dreams in the it-security sector by usage of my stable and transparent references. Together with a team of well known international security researchers and trusted computer hackers we was able to start-up in 2007/2008.
Website: https://www.vulnerability-lab.com/
6. Why Starting your own firm, you can make money by doing a job as well?
I am interested in exchange of information, vendor cooperation and building an own security infrastructure for the future. To only work for my own, does not realize the way i want to continue in the future.
7. After that, you start your Vulnerability Magazine? How is the response from the readers?
The magazine started yesterday. I am not sure about how famous the magazine will become in the future. Since yet all runs well.
Magazine Link: http://magazine.vulnerability-db.com/
8. Any advice for new bug bounty hunters?
Be creative, use innovative concepts and individual methods to discover bugs in services and protect users or the poor people of the industry. Be cool, do not force the vendors or manufacturers and report issues with a clean and experienced report to ensure, you get what you really want.
9. What are your future plans?
To release more 0day vulnerabilities or security bugs in the laboratory, extend the laboratory/security company services, develop new modules and provide researchers a safer place to stay.
Well nice chatting with you buddy, thanks for sharing lots of information. For my Readers i would like to share an image about Bug Bounties from PayPal to his team!
Source: http://mirzasecurity.blogspot.de/2014/03/interview-with-benjamin-kunz-mejri.html
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