Published Vulnerabilities


Citrix Gateway & Cloud MFA - Insufficient Session Validation Vulnerability

Citrix Gateway & Cloud MFA - Insufficient Session Validation Vulnerability

The vulnerability lab research team was able to discover a simple but effective insufficient session validation vulnerability that can be exploited to bypass the mfa login authentication process on Citrix ADC/NetScaler v13.0 & v13.1, Citrix Gateway/NetScaler Gateway v13.0 & v13.1 and the Citrix Cloud Services Website. The security vulnerability allows remote attackers to bypass the mfa function by hijacking the session data of an active user (non expired session) to followup with further compromising attacks.


BMW Mail - Persistent Validation Vulnerability

A vulnerability researcher of the vulnerability lab team disclosed a simple but effective technique that was used against microsoft and adobe some years ago. A persistent input validation web vulnerability has been discovered in the official BMW online service portal web-application.

The vulnerability is located in the `firstname` and `lastname` value parameters of the `mail` module. The vulnerable parameters are insecure sanitized next to being delivered inside of a basic html mail template.


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