CeBIT 2015 (d!conomy) - Heise offers Slots in Open Developer World

CeBIT 2015 (d!conomy) - Heise offers Slots in Open Developer World

CeBIT is the world's largest and most international computer expo. It is organized and coordinated by the Deutsche Messe Aktiengesellschaft.

From 16 to 20 March 2015 the Heise Zeitschriften Verlag in Germany and the CeBIT will present the first open Developer World in Hanover. The open developer places at the cebit 2015 allows people to present own tracks that are connected to the following heise topics.

- programming languages and platforms Java, C/C++, .NET, scripting languages, etc.
- contemporary programming patterns, standards and methods/strategies functional, object-oriented, procedural, imperative, reactive, asynchronous, etc.
- software development tools IDEs, compilers, debuggers, profilers, generators, etc.
- modeling, software architecture SOA, microservices, BPM, etc.
- parallel programming memory model, task and data parallelism, multithreading and synchronization mechanism, etc.
- ›white‹ (Web-)Security
- mobile development tools, frameworks and libraries for designing, testing and deploying apps
- Web development browser techniques, frameworks, libraries, etc.
- Big Data, databases, NoSQL, searching techniques
- Cloud Development, PaaS, BaaS
- development for the Internet of Things, smart home and Industry 4.0
- embedded programming
- Build & Deploy: continuous integration, continuous delivery, DevOps, ALM
- methods of software development agile, V-Modell XT, etc.
- testing methods, experiences, tools
- requirements engineering
- experience reports

Register your track or place to show presence at the most important it-conference in the world. Commercial places are also offered by registration to product developers or other companies.

During the years the evolution security and vulnerability laboratory team has visited the different hitech cebit events. Like everybody in germany knows the cebit conference is the best place to get a fresh demos, information about products by the manufacturer, contacts or basic information exchange.


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