Barracuda Networks Bug Bounty Program - Upgrades Payment Procedure
In the early morning of the 10th march a letter arrived with the information to all researchers that the barracuda networks bug bounty program became an update in the provided payment procedures. Barracuda Networks decided to speedup the payment process by usage of an official paypal account. All further payments from 2013Q3 to 2014Q1 will be done via paypal by regular official transactions.
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We apologize in advance if you are receiving this notification a second time. This policy change notification originally went out to our research community last Friday afternoon. It is being sent again to additional contacts in our community that may have been missed in the original email. We recognize that many of our bounty payments have taken longer than either of us would like. Traditionally we have paid our international researchers using an international wire transfer. Unfortunately, this has led to delays and confusion. We have received feedback from the research community asking us to switch to PayPal payments, and we have been listening. We are pleased to announce that effective immediately we will be using PayPal as the default payment method for international payments. We believe this will expedite bounty payouts for everyone and decrease payout time for any future bounties.
What does this mean for you? This should mean faster turnaround times on bounty payments. If you are a researcher located outside the US, you will be paid through PayPal and we will no longer need to collect your bank information to perform a wire transfer. Currently pending and future awards will be sent to PayPal using the email address: Thank you for all of your hard work,
-Barracuda Security Team
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One of the reason to change the also the payment process was the major ticket and tracking system update in 2014Q1 announced by dave farrow of barracuda networks. Another reason is that barracuda networks do not have to deal with the private hackers or researcher banking information.
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