

PayPal Inc MOS API Security Video Demonstration discovered - Filter Bypass & Multiple IVE Vulnerabilities

PayPal Inc MOS API Security Video Demonstration discovered!

The following video shows a live hacking session in the multiorder-shipping application of paypal inc by ateeq ur rehman khan, ibrahim mossad and benjamin kunz mejri. The different application-side vulnerabilities has been reported by the vulnerability laboratory in 2014 Q1-2.

All the visible security vulnerabilities are already reported and patched by the paypal dev team.

The advisories were accepted as part of the official ebay inc magento > paypal inc bug bounty program (2014). Feel free to watch the video and resources to understand the impact behind the issues in the mos api.


Microsoft Office 365 Outlook - Bypass & Editor Vulnerability

Microsoft Office 365 Outlook - Bypass & Editor Vulnerability



The Vulnerability Lab security team discovered a persistent input validation web vulnerability in the official Microsoft (cloud-based) Outlook Office 365 web-application. The vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject own malicious script codes to the application-side (persistent) of the vulnerable module. The bug has been reported to Microsoft Security Response Center on 2014-02-28, with the (MSRC) ID: 14095


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