Bug Bounty


Ebay Magento fixed Application Side Vulnerability & Filter Bypass in ProStore

Ebay Magento fixed Application Side Vulnerability & Filter Bypass in ProStore

After the announcement of the ebay inc magento team in the last month the company updated the prostore services and application during 31 of july. One of the issue has been recorded and reported to the ebay inc security team about 2 month ago. A filter bypass and persistent input validation web vulnerability was located in the prostore application front- and backend.  


Bulletin BNSEC 1263 - Multiple Cross Site Vulnerabilities coordinated disclosed through Barracuda Networks

BULLETIN BNSEC 1263 patched by Barracuda Networks Dev Team

The security researchers Ebrahim Hegazy & Benjamin Kunz Mejri discovered during the official bug bounty program of barracuda several issues in the product series. The last patched issue of the 7 released bulletins impact a client-side vulnerability in the firewall and loadbalancer. Ebrahim Hegazy discovered the same bug in the loadbalancer appliance. During the exploitation phase Benjamin Mejri verified the issue in the firewall appliances about 2 weeks ago.


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