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Bug Bounty Programs - Manufacturer Award 31st January 2015

Award Nomination (Bug Bounty Programs) of 2014 - 31st January 2015

Due to the short holidays and a long security conference the ceremonie of the "Best Upcoming Bug Bounty Program of the Year 2014", "Best Bug Bounty Vulnerability of the Year 2014" and "Best Bug Bounty Program of the Year 2014"  -Award takes place the 31st January  2015.

We already started to inform the press, new partners and other magazines of our network to publish the winners after the ceremonie.


Nasa Mars Orion Program - Researcher reveals Vulnerability in Boarding Pass to demonstrate violation

NASA Mars Orion Program - Researcher reveals Vulnerability in Boarding Pass to demonstrate violation

The german computer security expert and evolution security gmbh ceo - benjamin kunz mejri discovered a vulnerability in the official nasa mars orion program. The program allows public people to register a boarding pass that flies with the 4th december air-craft lunch as first around the world.

Oftenly we hear about people that send signals with code or frequences to space. In case of this issue it was totally different. The researcher send through a module of a nasa web service test code that was saved as official boarding pass ticket and should be flashed to a nasa silicon microchip (hardware). During the save procedure the code bypasses the security controls and should be saved at the end to a microship that is oboard the orion air-craft.


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