Published Vulnerabilities


Oracle Corporation fixed Vulnerability in MyOracle Online-Service Application

Persistent Vulnerability discovered in the MyOracle Application

Today the oracle security alert team allowed the vulnerability laboratory to discover an application-side vulnerability in the well known MyOracle web-service. The MyOracle online-service provides an user account profile after registration and is connected to the official Oracle Corporation support website. The MyOracle account can be accessed through several portals of the oracle community. Once registered you can access the connected services to interaction as client or customer of the company. The issue has been reported in april 2014 and has been patched since september 2014. The issue that has been disclosed was reported by the security researcher and company ceo benjamin kunz mejri to the oracle corporation.


USB & WiFi Flash Drive v1.3 iOS - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

In the morning a remote code execution vulnerability has been discovered in the USB & Wi-Fi Flash Drive v1.3 iOS mobile web application. The issue has been captured by the researchers Benjamin Kunz Mejri and Ateeq ur Rehman Khan of the Vulnerability-Lab core team.


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