Bug Bounty


CS:GO starts two offical Bug Bounty Programs - BlackJack & Heads or Tails

CS:GO Heads or Tails & CS:GO Blackjack - 2 Bug Bounty Programs

Today we received an important notify about a new official bug bounty program that started two days ago. CS:GO is a gambling provider and online casino that owns the following domains.

The company is billing a lot of money every year for fraud and hacking incidents were client information or server data is compromised. Due to the important infrastructure and the cash flow in the web-application a security check is required. The administrators of the internal security program decided to publish two new bug bounty programs that should handle the CS:GO Blackjack and Heads or Tails web-application security.


Adobe Premiere Clip v1.1.1 iOS - Filter Bypass & Persistent Software Vulnerability

Exploiting Adobe Premiere Clip v1.1.1 iOS Bug to compromise Adobe Creative Cloud (CVE-2015-8051)

In the last weeks Adobe fixed various vulnerabilities in its products Flash Player and Acrobat Reader. Next to this there where security updates for the Adobe Premiere Clip v1.1.1 iOS mobile web-application. The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered an application-side input validation web vulnerability in the official Adobe Premiere Clip v1.1.1 iOS mobile web-application. The issue affects the validation procedure of the adobe-creative cloud service that is in scope of the program after using the sync function. The vulnerability allows an attacker to bypass the app filter and service validation to execute own malicious codes in a adobe creative cloud module.


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