Published Vulnerabilities


Researcher uncovers multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in the DPA Presseportal of NewsAktuell

Researcher uncovers multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in the DPA Presseportal of NewsAktuell

Vulnerability-Lab researcher Marco Onorati found multiple sql injection web vulnerabilities in the official german presseportal a journalists web application of newsaktuell (dpa). The vulnerabilities was reported within the same week to the news portal to protect the privacy of the registered journalists. Presseportal is lead by Newsaktuell of the DPA Press Agency and is an information portal for journalists in Germany. Presseportal offers normal journalists to publish their articles and spread them. They are offering abos to categorized news. The portal is one of the leading source to spread news information country wide and to the european union.


Apple iOS v9.2.1 - (Application Update Loop) Pass Code Bypass

Application Update Loop allows to bypass Pass Code Protection Mechanism

The upcoming week the security researcher and ceo of the vulnerability laboratory "Benjamin Kunz Mejri" disclosed the first details about a new method to bypass the pass code protection mechanism of apple iOS devices. The pass code protects the mobile of unauthorized physical device access. The pass code is in use to secure verify the regular account pin but also the sim card pin. In 2013 and 2014 the researcher already discovered 3 different ways on how to evade the controls of the protected apple device. Today in the morning the researcher and pentester disclosed the final details on how the issue could be exploited by local and remote attackers.


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