Bug Bounty


Parse HTTP Host Header Attack - Redirect Bug

Parse HTTP Host Header Attack - Redirect Bug

The vulnerability laboratory core research team (SaifAllah benMassaoud) discovered a HTTP HOST Header attack (Injection & Redirection) via X-Forwarded-Host in the official Parse online service web-application. The host header can be changed to something outside the target domain and cause it to redirect to an attackers malicious site. The HTTP HOST Header attack (Injection & Redirection ) via X-Forwarded-Host vulnerability is located in the `/user_session/new/` and "/account/plan/" modules GET method request.

Hacking the Bugcrowd - Core Researcher scores in Main Program Site

Hacking the Bugcrowd - Evading the Filter Validation of Bugcrowd

Today we would like to talk about a vulnerability that was located in the main bugcrowd web-application. Normally we do hack in regular and public bug bounty programs, but in case of the issue we exploited the manufacturers official program site web-application to score.


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